Recently, I ordered a few books from Schoolhouse Press. At the last minute I decided to add a book called Charted Peasant Designs from Saxon Transylvania.
Wow! This book has me more excited than anything I have seen in a long time. The patterns are for cross-stitch but I see no reason not to use them for knitting. I can't stop thinking about what I can do with these patterns.
The price is unbelievable. $6.95 Seven US dollars for all this inspiration. Amazing. Yup, it is a Dover publication.
Here are a few pages from the book:
And now for something completely different
Have you seen the latest Knitty Spin Get Spun column by Pippi Knee Socks? She blended Hemp and Sari Silk. It looked like so much fun that I dug through my stash and found both fibers.
Oy! What a mess! I think this blend is better left to drum carders with coarser teeth like her Louet. It fought me quite a bit.
I decided two passes through was all I could stand perfect. The batt looks pretty cool and I am looking forward to spinning it. OUTSIDE. She warns that we should use a sheet or the like to try to contain the loose fibers. I can she she is right.