I has been a rough couple of months. As I don't like to whine or solicit sympathy, it has kept me rather quiet. Time to change that. Today is the first day of a new year; it is my birthday.
It hasn't been all bad. I have been enjoying the company of Kay and Kerry. The other day, we had a girls night out with pedicures. This pampering thing . . . good stuff. I could get used to it.
Kerry is such a joy! She is smart and funny and loves to read. And, an adorably cute snuggle bunny. Did I mention that she is interested in craftiness? Santa brought her a little potholder loom for Christmas and she immediately made something pink. I might add that the design is all hers. A bit of talent in that wee lass.
This coming weekend she will stay with us. We are planning on cooking together. She is such a picky eater; maybe if she cooks it, she will eat it. I hope so! She is so tiny and thin (the first tip-off that she is not of my genetic stock). Any advice on feeding a picky eater?
I am also going to teach her to spin. She always wants to treadle my wheel, spin my fiber, or knit my projects. Clearly she needs her own projects. I am so excited I can barely wait! Being a grandma rocks!
There have been itty-bitty bits of fiberishness around here. A handspun hat for Roger (superwash BFL spun to a sport weight). He is holding Clara Mae, a one week old bundle of joy manufactured by our friends Rick and Heidi.
Handspun for a scarf and mittens for Kerry (why, yes, it IS pink). The larger skein is merino-tencel in pink and brown, should stripe nicely. The smaller is merino-silk. Yes, probably a bit extravagant for an eight year old, but she is so worth it.
Gotta go! Time to go renew my drive's license with a brand new picture. Quick, while the big ole zit on my cheek is still large and angry!