It has been a wacky few weeks.
Over the holidays, my husband installed a beautiful new kitchen door. What do I do? Trip over some construction debris. A skinned right knee, a twisted left ankle, and worst of all a strained rib muscle. The rib has really slowed me down. (I am resisting the urge to say it is cramping my style. I am such a dork that made me snort!)
My silly 17 pound dog can fend off raccoons at 2 am. That isn't scary. For him. This same dog kept hiding behind my legs because the new kitchen door was creaking in the breeze.
And, the weather here has been freaky. The last few days have been warm, like 65 - 70 degrees F! I am working outside in a t-shirt. Several nights ago we had high gusting winds at night. My condolences to those of you in bitter cold weather right now.
The dye fairies have been taunting me. Some things are mysteriously eluding me, some things are happy accidents (read new colorways!), and some things are really working. It is all over the map.
Red is making me very happy lately. It seems to fit the current mood. Some gorgeous reds are coming out of the dye pots.
Red fleece ready to go to the mill and become Sincere Sheep roving.
Red Wensleydale. Be still my heart.
Red over a brown yak and merino blend. Yowza!
Red fingering weight socks.
I got a new red t-shirt.
And, I have the cutest dog in the world in his new red bed. Love that sleepy face!
I love all these reds!
Wow. I hope you'll be okay. I know all too well what it's like to hurt the ribs. I was pretty sick a few years ago and coughed so much and so hard that I tore the cartilage (bottom of ribs) from the actual bone. I cannot tell you how bad it hurt. Breathing hurt, sitting hurt, standing hurt, moving in any way hurt, and not moving hurt....LOL. So, I know your pain. Ugh, raccoons, my worst enemy! Can't seem to keep them from getting into the attic...nasty, terrible creatures! Love the reds!! Oh, and I'm one of those suffering through the -20's (with windchill) and it's least I can imagine what it's like for it to be 70 and wearing a t-shirt outside.
Posted by: Jamisyn | January 16, 2009 at 11:19 AM
Oh ouch. I hope you heal quickly!
Sam is just the cutest thing. I love that sleep face.
I also love those reds - see you at Stitches?
Posted by: (formerly) no-blog-rachel | January 16, 2009 at 11:46 AM
Tanglegirl told me about your injury - get well soon! We can't have you out-of-commission for too long.
I loooove those reds. Darn you. I didn't need that in my life. :)
Puppies really are silly. Mine apparently doesn't care what goes on between 1am and 10am. After that, watch out! Especially if you're UPS...
Posted by: Theresa | January 16, 2009 at 02:19 PM
Ouch, feel better soon!
I'm still knitting with the indigo yarn and loving it -- this weekend I am determined to take a picture and post it.
Posted by: AuntieAnn | January 16, 2009 at 03:58 PM
Oooh, I love that red-over-brown yak. Tasty & delicious! So sorry about the owie. xo yr naybor Laine
Posted by: Laine | January 16, 2009 at 05:30 PM
Sounds like a good time to sit and knit while you heal. You need to finish some lace, right? Hope you feel better.
Posted by: fibergal | January 16, 2009 at 10:00 PM
I hope you get better soon!
(Am I missing something, I can't find that red merino-yak in your store? WANT. Will you be at k11's spin in with fiber again?)
Posted by: aija | January 17, 2009 at 01:50 AM
Envying everything but your injuries... I'm sitting here at -25 (without wind), with frozen pipes. And no red yarn or roving, or pretty black-and-white dog.
I've been through the rib injury thing, too. It seems like forever, but it does eventually heal.
Posted by: gayle | January 17, 2009 at 03:34 AM
My house has been taken over by red batts for my sweater spinning but as soon as I saw all the beautious reds in your post I bailed to rush over and pick up some Wensleydale to try out - had to have it! So now that I've satisfied that fiber lust....I remembered I didn't leave a comment! oops :)
Do heal fast! That sounds way too painful. Enjoy your beautiful weather, happy colors and snuggly sleepy boy :) I'm off to sit in front of the fire again to try and thaw out - hit a warm spell today at 2F - if you don't count the windchill and the new 6 inches of snow. At least the greyhounds have long legs ;-)
Posted by: DeeAnn | January 17, 2009 at 07:00 PM
Golly, ribs/muscles really hurt and you don't know how many things affect them until you pull one. I "pop" a rib quite often and it is No Fun At All. Hope it settles down quickly!
You have been having fun with red!
Posted by: lynne s of oz | January 19, 2009 at 09:47 AM