I have a mystery sock to share with you. It is a sock designed by me and given out in 4 parts. There are no pictures, hence the mystery. If you are on Ravelry, you can play along in the Sock Knitters Anonymous group.
Scherherazade's Slippers
This pattern worked toe-up and is a little different in its construction. I recommend that you be an intermediate to advanced knitter. It starts with a bit of cabling and moves into a bit of lace.
Yarn: I recommend a solid or slightly variegated yarn. Pick a yarn that will have a firm gauge. The gauge varies depending on the size of sock you are making (see below).
Sizes: one chart works for three sizes:
Women's Large (US shoe size 9-11): use a gauge of 6.5 sts/in.
Women's Medium (US shoe size 6-8): use a gauge of 7 sts/in.
Women's Small (US shoe size 3-5): use a gauge of 7.5 sts/in.
RC4 Right Cross Cable, place 2 stitches on a cable needle and hold at the front of the work, k2, k2 from cable needle.
LC4 Left Cross Cable, place 2 stitches on a cable needle and hold at the back of the work, k2, k2 from cable needle.
Make 1 increase Lift the bar between the stitch just worked and the next stitch, knit it through the back of the loop.
Make 1 purl increase Lift the bar between the stitch just worked and the next stitch, purl it through the back of the loop.
Purl into the back of the stitch This increase happens where two increases are next to each other and two Make 1 increases can't be worked. Work the increase by knitting into the back of the loop of the stitch just knit (the last stitch of a cable).
k2tog knit two stitches together knitwise by putting the needle into the second stitch, followed by the first stitch on the left needle and knitting them as one.
ssk slip 1 knitwise, slip1 knitwise, place both slipped stitches back on the left needle and knit them through the back of the loop.
Cast on 28 stitches. I use Judy's Magic Cast-On. Turkish Cast-On will also work. Follow the chart.
Click on the chart to see a larger version of the chart.
Even rows: knit the knit stitches and purl the purl stitches.
Let me know if you have any questions or if something doesn't make sense.
Next week we will work the foot.
Errata: September 4, 2007. The chart has been updated due to a small error on line 25. You should knit 1 instead of k2tog on the instep between the cables. Thank you Pat for catching that.
I am also working on another sock.
I am calling this one Everlasting. The colors aren't quite right (I was being a lazy picture taker). The yarn is from Knitted Wit in the Going To The Mall colorway. I bought it at Twisted on my Portland yarn crawl last weekend.
Here is a picture of the yarn where the colors are more accurate:
I like the yarn a lot. It has more texture than I'd like, but I love the splatter dye with the short color bursts. No pooling here!
Intriguing. I don't dare start them now though. I'll never finish all the other stuff on the needles in time if I do.
Posted by: Ronni | September 03, 2007 at 05:43 PM
Yea! You did it! Congrats on getting the first piece out!
Posted by: Brooke | September 03, 2007 at 06:27 PM
Sounds like fun! But -- is it me, or what, I would have called those cables the opposite of what you have called them.
Posted by: AuntieAnn | September 03, 2007 at 06:31 PM
I don't need another project, but this one is certainly tempting! Especially since I didn't do the mystery stole. Hmm... Is it time to go stash diving?
Posted by: LaurieM | September 03, 2007 at 07:40 PM
I was curious, I have never used a chart for sock knitting. Under the chart you mention, knitting the chart on even rows, and purling on odd rows, if we a knitting in around, magic loop style would it not be knit on off rows? Thought I better ask before I cast on.
Posted by: emeraldcutie | September 04, 2007 at 03:02 AM
Oh geesh to early in the morning here, I just re-read the instructions and seen the knit the knit and purl the purl stitches. Sorry about that. Answered my own question, lol. Can't wait for part 2.
Posted by: emeraldcutie | September 04, 2007 at 03:06 AM
Hi Maia, this mystery sock looks like fun...now I have to decide if I can get TWO pairs of socks done this month, plus a case and sweater for my wife...decisions, decisions!
Posted by: Jason | September 04, 2007 at 07:46 AM
This is great fun! My first mystery anything. But I too have a question about knitting the even rows. What to do with the k2tog and yo etc, are they to be purled or knitted? I tried both and maybe it doesn't matter?? Thanks for the FUN!
Posted by: Linda | September 07, 2007 at 06:12 AM
Mystery socks...that sounds like fun :) Wish I was a little more proficient at sock knitting (and chart reading - I not very good at that!)...maybe someday?
Posted by: hakucho | September 08, 2007 at 07:55 AM
Ooh, cool. And such an intriguing name. doesn't look loike they ahve pointy toes, tho. I'll play.
Posted by: kate | September 08, 2007 at 06:26 PM
I love the pattern and the yarn is really nice, too!
Posted by: angelarae | September 09, 2007 at 10:29 AM
Cast these on right away. Absolutely scrumtious! Now to cast on #2. Had no trouble at all with the chart and it whizzed right along. Your work and the provided links to so many great sites makes your blog one of my favorites. Thanks for this new pattern, and I will be patiently waiting on part two.
Posted by: TL | September 09, 2007 at 05:46 PM
Oh, how I wish I had some solid sock yarn lying around! I don't have anything that wouldn't obscure the pattern completely.
Posted by: Liz | September 11, 2007 at 07:57 AM
I'm having some problems with the make 1 purl increases ... or maybe it's my stitch counts ... would you be able to contact me? Anyone who has time to help would be appreciated!!! [email protected]
Posted by: Vicki | September 11, 2007 at 07:52 PM
Hi, I am going to knit these socks - they look beautiful! Thanks for sharing them!!
Posted by: Kimberly | September 12, 2007 at 10:59 AM
wow! cute sockes.. i want these
Posted by: fun slippers | May 13, 2011 at 03:04 AM