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August 31, 2007



Wow, that sounds like a wonderful trip. And you certainly got some lovely yarns there.


Sounds like good fun, good yarns, good food, good people! I love Judy and her Magic Cast-on, and she is now even more famous after Cat Bordhi plugged the Magic Cast-on in her new book!


It was wonderful to meet you and Roger! I hope you get up here again for another crawl. There were several LYS that we missed.


They're gorgeous, especially the Steelhead and Honey.

I need to get out more ;-)


Looks like a really great time!

sile Convery

How fortunate that you did the homework for me Maia as I go to Portland in the middle of October! Now I will know exactly where to go and the bakery info is very appreciated too.


Sounds like you found the restaurant! Glad it worked out for you.

Wish I could've joined you.

It'd be fun to meet up sometime when I had a little more energy and a little less toddler with me :)

It was fun, though, and I love the batts. I keep sniffing and petting them.


Mmmmmm lemon crud, mmmmm yarn...heaven, I'm in heaven :)


oops, curd, not crud LOL


You're welcome! It was so much fun! I'm so glad you liked Twisted, they're just funky and new. It's a shame they hadn't gotten the spinning section of their shop done by the time you visited, but the Yarntini definitely made up for it ;D

(ooh, a week late, have I mentioned lately how far behind I am on my bloglines... ouch)


I'd love to visit Twisted - have heard so much about it! Of course, living in Australia might make visiting a bit difficult... :)

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