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May 12, 2007



Another home run tutorial Maia! Thanks! I know I will be using these tips since I also have high arches, prefer toe-up socks but do not like to work short row heels everytime! ? for ya, the yarn you are using for that sock, is it available online?


It is on my todo list! I'm dying for a good toe up heel. I've got the same fit problems as you do.

By the way, I've been contemplating your Penny socks. Both they and the Banana Blossom socks are on the todo list. Anyway, what weight yarn did you use for the Penny socks? It says sportweight, but it looks like sockweight in the pick. I always think of sport weight as slightly heavier and this has put me off the pattern.


Sounds wonderful and I cannot wait to try this out. I have never done toe-up because I just don't like the look, but this not only looks great, but gives me the option to go sans pattern!! Thankyou!


Great! Can't wait to try it...after I saw your previous post looked for "toe up socks with heel flap" and now I have lots of things to try.

Thanks for the super instructions!


I think I understand it! Might be better if I was actually doing it as I read the instructions.


Great! I'll try it!


I've done socks like these, too, and really like how they come out. Here's a suggestions that works well when I make socks for my husband - when you make the flap for the bottom of the foot, you can use the same slip one-knit one stitch that you use on top-down socks. He's really hard on the bottom of his sock heels, and the slip one-knit one really makes them last longer.
How do you start off your toe-up socks? I've figured out a technique that works for me - I cast on half the total number of stitches I want and then, on the first real row, knit into the front and back of each stitch. On the next row, I separate the stitches so that every other stitch is on a second needle. That gives two parallel needles, each with half the stitches, and although the next row is a little awkward to knit, it works out pretty well once you start knitting around on them. (Pictures work better than words, here!)



Thanks Maia! Good news is that I love your tutorial. Bad news is that I just finished turning the heel on my current pairs of socks.

I'm usually not a frogger but I'm seriously contemplating it.

Janine B.

You are officially given the Knitting Goddess tiara!!!


Wow, that looks great! When I gather my courage to try toe-up again, I'll give this heel a try too. Thanks!


Oh, what great info. I don't particularly care for toe-ups only because no matter what cast off I use, it never seems as stretchy as my top-down method. I'm definitely a heel flap kinda knitter so I'm going to give your method a try. I have some Koigu that I should knit toe-up because of low yardage...


A wonderful tutorial. I was trying to figure out how to make a toe-up heel flap with someone and it boggled my mind. I thought you gusset increase first. Tricky thing. You made it very clear. Lovely, lovely yarn too!


I LOVE the pattern you have going on. I suck at making socks lol I have wide feet and they are big lol haa haa joy to be me huh! Do you have the pattern for the sock? I am one that has to read it word for word and follow it close ( not a book person more a visual one) please let me know if you think i can do it lol and i really love the pattern you did.. and how do you do your toe???? I have a pattern and it is a box toe... would like to try something new.


Hola,me parece interesante tu propuesta para confeccionar calcetines, pero puedes decirme si sabes de una pagina en espaƱol donde pueda encontrar la misma explicaciĆ³n


What a great idea! I had never thought of just doing it backwards. Thanks for this.


I've seen your idea used a fiar bit lately, and could never find your link. Today, I find you, yea. I was close to understanding it from pictures, but its so nice to have something to read, and follow when I try this at home later this week.

What an great idea.


Hi! I am from Finland and my English is not very good, sorry, but I like your great sock and its heel idea very much. I have done some socks for Christmas presents and am going to show them after Christmas Eve 25.12. on my blog. Now I am asking for You if I can put a short Finnish translation, with graphic, of the pattern to my blog? I hope that you understand what I mean!


Hello. I tried to download your toe up gusset heel tutorial pdf, but I was getting messages that the file was damamged, and the pdf only showed one page. Just letting you know!


Thank you SO much. I've made many socks with the 'hybrid heel' from Priscilla Gibson-Roberts' book but longed for the look of a gusset. It's wonderful that a creative mind like yours can share info so easily these days!


Maia - I really wish at this moment that you lived next door to me so that I could bake you some of your favorite cookies and bring them over as thanks. I have searched and searched for some confirmation that I'm doing this exact technique correctly, and your pictures are just what I needed. Phew! I can sleep at ease tonight - and who knows, soon I might even have a finished pair of socks!


i wish you would make a utube video of this. i think it would be great for those work best that way.


Thanks so much for the tutorial! This heel works like a charm.


Thank you! Just what I was looking for since my spatial relations ability is nil -- I have done this before, and couldn't recall exactly how the heel was done, so the pictures and the notation to not do ALL the stitches is massively helpful.

After I finish, I am going to be the cool kid in my knitting group!


You win! You win toe-up socks. I am such a visual learner, I scoured the interwebs for someone who would just post dang photos of the toe-up process, and Voila! there was your pattern. Simple. Intuitive. Adaptable. Beautiful. Fits like a (foot) glove. Also, the sock you knit and the yarn you used are drop dead gorgeous.

Thank you thank you thank you!


Thanks for a beautiful heel. I`m a toe up knitter now, but this heel is the prettiest.


SO AWESOME! THANK YOU! I cannot wait to print this out so I can use it over and over!


I love your socks so much and I am trying to learn using your tutorial. But, I am probably gusset chalenged, or my knitting english is not to good. Second day and hundreds times later, i still dont understand it. First of all, i have different numbers to begin with. My sock is 52 stitches, which will give me 26 sole. I put 5 and 5 aside, and worked my flap on 16 stitches. How to calculate my heel then?. I tried 5 and 5 and 6 and got all confused. Is there a formula to calculate? Sorry for so many questions, but i love your heel so much and want to learn.


Today I pulled out a toe up sock to just before the heel gusset. I love the look of this gusset so will give it a go. Many thanks


thank you thank you thank you


This is the best heel ever - easy to knit and fits the best. What I really would love to have is the lacy pattern used for this sock. Is it available, please?

Jeanette Pickford

Dear Maria
I am a new one to sock and paging thru all the sockspatt I came across your patt which begins at the toe I would like to try it but the heel gives me trouble to understand, can I copy your pattern so that I can keep it next to me while I am knitting
Thank you Jeanette Pickford
[email protected]

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