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May 14, 2007



It's an excellent start. Better than I could do I'm sure.

I'm wondering if some purple would give you the lift you are looking for. It seems to me that something a little unexpected would help.


Purple is what I was thinking as well! And maybe a touch of pumpkin too.


Well, I'm very impressed, but I do think the color transition is a bit abrupt. For me, what would improve it most is if the vertical arrows popped as much as the horizontal arrows. They kind of get lost. It's very nice, though.


I think your patterning might give you more diagonals and verticals (right now it's mostly horizontals it seems to me) if you either took off the bars that make the square around the star or somehow add visual weight to the row below offset. Maybe by swapping the diamonds. The ones next to the boxes are heavier visually in an already heavy (because of the boxes) row. So maybe just swap them with the diamonds below.

I'm not sure I'm making sense. Lets try this. Right now you've got (starting in the upper left corner of your chart) motifs that look like


maybe try

AdAdA instead.

Here's all the colors that come into the US for your DK weight yarn. http://www.simplyshetland.net/Jamieson-DoubleKnitting.html I think you might want to try "Scotch Broom" (1160) in between "Buttercup" (I keep wanting to say "Princess Buttercup") and "Mustard". But I also think you might want to add a popper color. I'm just not sure which one or where it might go. Perhaps that color card can help you out.


I can't give you any real advice because I'm sure you have a better sense of the color and pattern than I do.

I have a friend who always talks about the "zing" color in a patterned piece, which is the same as "pop," I guess. I'd love to see something totally wild, like a dot of magenta in the center of your x's.

But that's just me.

Honestly, I think it looks pretty damn good as is.


You know I'm hopeless at colours but I know I like that! You did a great job at blending the colours.

Hmm, how about a bright blue for the pop up colour?


Glad you had a great mother's day, you deserve it! The fair isles looks wonderful. Maybe one more color or something lighter for the darkest color.



Ronni gave much better advice than I ever could, but for pop - how about blue? You have all warm colors and a cool contrast would add a lot, I think.


I use Excel for knitting all the time. ; ) I even used it to chart the colors and sequences for Fibonacci stripes -- I was able to get pretty close with accuracy, too. You might try -- even if you're not spot-on with the colors in Excel, it should give you an idea of whether purple, pink or blue gives you the spark you're looking for.

My first impulse is purple -- but whether it should be a lavender or pink or blue shade is beyond me.

It's amazing already!!


I love your color combinations and agree with some of the previous commenters that a little purple might add a touch of unexpected spice. It was fun meeting you in the shop and seeing the wonderful colors you took home with you :-)

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