My friend (I inadvertently(?) typed fiend - HA!) the Nerdy Knitter has meme-tagged me. Out of my great fondness for her I shall comply. I am not very good at these things, so bear with me.
Six Weird Things About Me
1. When I eat, I like to save at least a bite of "the best flavor" on my plate so it can linger in my mouth. I will sometimes turn down something yummy because I am still enjoying that lingering taste. (I kinda stole this from Nerdy Knitter. It is very true though.)
2. I really like numbers. Some numbers seem to really resonate for me. I try to make my knitting (and other craftiness) use numbers I like (number of repeats, number of stitches in a repeat, number of rows or stitches, etc.) that coordinate. Coordinate you say? How do numbers coordinate? Do they have matching sweaters? HA!, you crack me up! Well, that is hard to define; I just know when it is right.
3. I grew up in a completely non-sports related household and I am now a baseball nut. I love the San Francisco Giants and watch almost every game. In 2003 we went to spring training and it was awesome. I love my spring training baseball cap more than any other. True confessions: right now I am wearing a screaming orange hooded sweatshirt that says " I see orange people" on it. The phrase comes from a marketing campaign to get people to wear orange to Friday home games. I love the sweatshirt. Well, I love wearing it around the house. It is pretty loud.
4. I used to be very girly (until 15 years ago or so). I wore coordinated colors and spent time dressing every day. I had long hair (to my hips) and I brushed and styled it every day (shocking!). And, I never wore pants. Until just recently, I wore my hair very short (the length of a professional man's hair). I wear whatever is clean and my hand touches first (never a skirt or dress). I am not fashionable or styled. I do wear product in my hair but that is just to make it manageable. I have grown my hair out long enough to cover my neck partly because I was tired of being called sir. No, I don't look like a man (in short hair I am a bit butch looking though) and my annoyingly large chest should be a tip off to any vaguely observant person.
5. I believe most things in life can be improved by categorizing them in an excel spreadsheet. (Okay, that was slightly facetious, but I am running out of material here folks.)
6. As suggested by my husband, you know, the one I am knitting lovely hand made socks from lovely handspun yarn made from lovely Finn wool that I dyed myself): I am a compulsive knitter and spinner. Humph, doesn't seem so weird to me. I guess all things are relative, including relatives.
Soooo, who to tag . . . I confess I hate doing that. It feels like sending a chain letter. Hmm, it IS a chain letter, blog style. If you are reading this and feel like you want to do this meme, consider yourself tagged.
I have already done this meme ikwym about tagging people.
I like numbers too - especially the Fibonacci series.
Posted by: Jacquie | January 19, 2007 at 11:08 AM
Posted by: Pippi | January 19, 2007 at 01:24 PM
Dear Maia, I am new to the KRForum so bear with me. I have only posted a few times. My youngest teen(17)still at home(4 others at colleges and law schools) "caught me posting" and admonished me as I used to do to them about internet safety! Anyway I visited your blog and enjoyed it very much. I lived in San Francisco for 3 yrs. in the mid-70's so I know how beautiful it is. Actually the reason I got hooked on KR is because of being snowed in for 3 days last wk. Now I'm checking in daily. Getting to the point-I loved your 'fugly'free socks. One of the few things I haven't knit are socks and I'm now interested but am looking for a good basic pattern to start with-any suggestions? Although I teach 2 knitting classes I still consider myself an advanced knitter dreaming of becoming expert someday!! Thanks for any help,PeggyB
Posted by: PeggyB | February 22, 2007 at 06:36 AM